We read scientific research, reproduce best practices, participate in hackathons, quickly adapt our development platform for new instant messengers and voice assistants.
We are passionate about projects
Understanding all types of AI
We have our own project management system related to processing and natural language processing. With its help, we keep track of ongoing and completed developments.
We are expanding the capabilities of dialogue systems by introducing various AI services. For example, we create chat bots with computer vision.
We create our own development tools
The disadvantage of ready-made solutions is the lack of flexibility and the impossibility of «fine tuning» . Our services allow you to create something new without regard to the limitations of the platform.
We share knowledge and experience
EORA specialists often speak at industry conferences, conduct free lectures, teach at Skillbox, Skillfactory, Moscow State University, NTI University, Skolkovo.
Developing a community
EORA is the core of the AI Community, a machine learning developer community. It includes over 800 people - our potential partners or employees.