Voice assistant in the form of carp

Speaking carp

Demonstration of work


We decided that if the voice assistant had memorable unexpected appearance, it would be funny. So, we came up with the speaking carp.


The toy with the artificial intelligence in the the form of carp.

Development object

Such voice assistants as Siri, Alexa and Dysya (assistant for the hearing impaired people) were existing in 2017.

Feature of the project

It is one of the first voice assistant in Russia. We had worked on this project before Alice was released.

Carp knows how to:

*from Yandex.News
«Ooo… damn, do it right now»
«Beer or vodka?» —
«Well, the fishes prefer beer...»

Feature of the project

We created the carp just for fun. So, It’s «punch line» is creative funny answers and movements.

History of development

We had the tasks of teaching carp:
receive and send the sound
process responses
use the external sources of information (for instance, news, weather and music resources)
Development progressed slowly. The challenges were everywhere – from engineering level to software level.
Challenges of the project:
Need for:
The carp should move jaws simultaneously with the speech synthesiser.
The carp should rotate the head when the user talks to this.
How the teaching process of carp’s movements was:
«‎How to send the password from the wi-fi to carp?»
«‎How to provide the awakening phrase «ok, carp?», so, that is processed on the device and can work without the Internet?»
Roman Doronin
Project manager
«How to provide the awakening phrase «ok, carp?», so, that is processed on the device and can work without the Internet?»
Roman Doronin
Project manager
«‎How to send the password from the wi-fi to carp?»
That task taken a lot of meticulous work with sound:
The intermediate version of the carp looked like this:
Interview with project engineer Sergey Popkov
Then we made our sound amplifier and removed external audioispeaker.
We replaced the carp’s stand from the box to the plate.
That is our speaking carp!

Project team

Roman Doronin
Project manager
Cofounder just AI
Dmitry Chechetkin
Sergey Popkov
Responsible for the engineering level of the project: mike, jaws and head control and integration and computing module.
The Dysya voice assistant and framework ZenBot creator. Responsible for the software part of the project.


We used services:
This is the simple and convenient framework for creation chat-bots, voice assistant and system of contact centres automatisation.
The tiny little singly board computer, often used at the robot’s brain, home server or just computer.

Raspberry Pi

Google Speech-to-Text

The technology to converting with high accuracy speech to text. It uses API based on Google artificial intelligence technologies.


Project Presentation

We have submitted our «Speaking carp» project on the Russian tech week exhibition (innovative technologies for business tasks solutions)
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