Cargo transportation data collection and management system


Spark Logistics Company, Kazakhstan
Design a system for internal use, in which you can collect a variety of data on cargo transportation and analyze them by specific parameters.
An on-demand analytics system with a simple and user-friendly interface.
The data is structured according to specific parameters
The information is uploaded to the system database via the API
How it works
Spark Logistics generates transportation data (order, loading, delivery, shipment)
The data is presented in an easy-to-read form (tables, diagrams)
The company receives information about cargo transportation on a specific request

Development process

Step 01
Designing the API architecture in the Redash service
Step 02
Step 03
Step 04
Testing the service on current customer data, debugging
Step 05
Full launch of the search system
Designing a database in the Clickhouse service
Implementation of functions for sending and validating requests to the database, transmitting information to the interface user

Development time

3 months
April-July 2021
After the implementation of the system, we found anomalies in the Spark Logistics database.
For example, products with negative delivery time (in the past), lack of deliveries during the week (although in fact cargo transportation continued), violation of the logic of deliveries (first shipment, then delivery).
This data will help the client to debug their business processes.

Project team

Sergey Verentsov
Technical Director
Project Manager
Ivan Starkov
Back-end developer
Alexey Zelenov
Alexey Shirochenkov


"Spark Logistics analytical service is the first EORA project in the field of logistics. For us, transit points, warehouses and transportation are the new world, therefore, in the development part of the project, almost everything was new.

We not only have learned more about database and user interface design tools, but we also learned a lot of interesting facts from the world of logistics. For example, what do automobile and aviation routes look like inside Kazakhstan, what are the terms of delivery of goods across the country, for example, from Almaty to Aktobe"
Ivan Starkov
Project Manager

What's next?

We are working on adding new metrics to the service


Now EORA team can build any type of user interface. To do this, you only need data and a list of metrics that the client is interested in.
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