«Ordinary directory bots choose one of several options for responding to the user's request. In the case of Schneider Electric, the search is based on an index of bigrams and trigrams of keywords, so that the bot can not only search through the query text, but also process possible typos in it»
Ivan Starkov
Project Manager
Aidar Valeev
EORA Team leader
«The special complexity of the project was in the content: we did not have knowledge in this highly specialized area. The customer helped us a lot — thanks to the participation of one of the managers, the chatbot became an order of magnitude "smarter", and the accuracy of the search increased. Thank him so much!"
The bot is running in pilot mode (it searches for 16 pages out of 200).
Field of application
Any knowledge base. The chatbot can search for answers to users' questions:
• Libraries • Online store • Delivery service (food, things) • Legal advice • Organizers of the contest or promotion • Offline store with a special terminal